Church Anew

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A Prayer for our Bodies This Election Cycle

Photo by Bjørn Tore Økland on Unsplash

Oh God. 

Here I am


In years past

I confess I grew addicted

To the adrenaline rushing through my body

Capturing my attention

Emboldening me in flashes of self righteousness 

Now, political news feels like fire burning through my veins

Destroying me from the inside out

Making it difficult to move

Or think,


We were created for more than reaction


For the collection of power

We can create more than what this moment tells us is possible

Dear God

I remember you love us

Remind me what is left after there has been scorched earth

How life can be made new with oxygen

By breath and blood and bodies

May our attention inhabit that which calls up creation

To leave traces of love 


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