Deanna Kim Bassett
Deanna Kim Bassett is a second-career pastor, graduating from Luther Seminary after a few decades of work in accounting. In September 2020, she received her first call in a multicultural church in Minneapolis. In some ways, her call to Christ the River of Life Lutheran Church is an extension of her earliest memories of life in California where she lived in linguistic diversity, ethnodiversity, birthplace diversity, and economic diversity.
She is a life-learner who led inclusiveness in her first career and continues to seek the divine in the bridging of differences. While waiting for her first call, she has worked at the Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement, she volunteered at a multicultural church site, and used her certification in the Intercultural Development Inventory to help congregations understand cultural norms.
Deanna Kim enjoys life with her groom of 30 years and two adult boys in their 20s. In her spare time, she serves as a community firefighter as part of the Eden Prairie Fire Department.