Walter Brueggemann Column
Church Anew is honored to host Walter Brueggemann as our featured columnist. We look forward to sharing Walter’s work with church leaders and faithful people worldwide. May his powerful and reflective writings inspire, energize, guide, and comfort you.

Liberated From Shame
Without a capacity for embarrassment, every greedy selfish action is accepted as legitimate.

The Great Contest
It turns out that in “the water of baptism” the church has been entrusted with a mighty claim for the priority of community that resists and refuses the ideology of capitalist privatism.

Don’t Vote for Kudzu!
One need not do more than point out the claim of Jotham that when good people default on public responsibility, kudzu-like exploitative alternatives occupy the public space.

When Sociology Disappears
It is a moment of great importance when it dawns on one that there are other worlds and that a different world is chooseable beyond the one we had taken for granted.There is something teasingly elusive about such singing; we are able to sing what we cannot say

The City as “Container”
For the writer of the Book of Revelation, this promise is not in a never never land of another world; it refers to a new city that will displace the tired violent city of Babylon (Rome).