Walter Brueggemann Column
Church Anew is honored to host Walter Brueggemann as our featured columnist. We look forward to sharing Walter’s work with church leaders and faithful people worldwide. May his powerful and reflective writings inspire, energize, guide, and comfort you.

Rewriting History
There can be little doubt that when we learn to reread the Bible, we will inescapably learn to read our own national history with more discerning eyes in a way that invites us to think again about our current national role in the world.

In the Face of Nihilism
Thus I judge that the pastors, preachers, and teachers of the church have a distinct possibility and wondrous opportunity to articulate a world other than the one subject to the force of the Nihil.

Labor: Organized or Otherwise
For much too long, the church has made wellbeing (salvation!) a personal, individualistic subject. But of course the truth is quite otherwise.

The Force of Id and Otherwise
The good news is that we are not and need not be propelled by the negating work of God, of Satan, of the devil, or the id.

Liberated From Shame
Without a capacity for embarrassment, every greedy selfish action is accepted as legitimate.

What are the Ten Commandments?
We take a look back at Walter Brueggemann's thoughts on Biblical law and its place today, revisiting some of our favorite posts.

Don’t Vote for Kudzu!
One need not do more than point out the claim of Jotham that when good people default on public responsibility, kudzu-like exploitative alternatives occupy the public space.

Anticipating the Election
Walter Brueggemann writes on the intersection between politics and faith, and the values that the church must endorse in the coming election.

Out-Interpreting the Ten Commandments
Walter Brueggemann writes on Louisiana’s public exhibition of the Ten Commandments, and how we may interpret and reframe Biblical Law to better serve our marginalized neighbors.

Workable and Purposeful
Walter Brueggemann writes on Biblical and constitutional fundamentalism, and the increasing need for flexibility in a dynamic world.