Reflecting on 2022
We are so grateful for your engagement with Church Anew in 2022. We wanted to provide a look back this week, remembering some of our most-read posts of 2022 and celebrating some of our new voices. Which were your favorites? Email us and let us know!
Most Read Posts
We can waste a whole lifetime believing that only one way of experiencing God is true. We can waste a whole lifetime ignoring the longings of our heart, because we’ve been taught that God doesn’t speak through those longings.
We are summoned out of our complacent church theology, out of our comfortable context of vexed families, and out of our easy talk of love and forgiveness. We are summoned to the daring claim of divine sovereignty in a world seemingly ordered according to the will of the ones with the most horses.
More powerfully today, I hear God’s call to repentance again to rebuke and renounce white supremacy and Christian nationalism. Like Cain killing Abel, we are tempted to turn away, hiding our eyes behind our hands while the Blood Moon shines eerily above.
The old empires will become collateral damage themselves, to a way of love that says, See to it that you do not treat one of these little ones with contempt. No one is an acceptable loss to God. There is no room in salvation for collateral damage.
Non-church-goers — hi. I know you're there. I know there are a lot of you. Or at least, there are a lot more of you than you've been made to believe.
New Voices In 2022
There’s a loss of control when any community chooses to make space for kids to be themselves, and to bring their whole selves to the table with the understanding that they really belong. It’s never smooth sailing.
The conservative-progressive spectrum, I believe, is a false binary used to categorize and make assumptions about those around us. Both “conservative” and “progressive” are handcuffs that align us with an in-group and ultimately distract us from thinking and acting with charity, nuance, and love.
That is being a student, a teacher, or school staff member in America. Greeting each other normally and calmly after trauma after trauma after trauma after trauma. My brain knows we have just become too desensitized.
Our relationship to our money and bodies not only shapes our relationship to God, it impacts our ability to recognize God’s movements in the world.
Church Anew nourishes Christian leaders to create vibrant communities of faith by setting a table of mutual learning and developing resources for a fresh witness in the world.
As an ecumenical and inclusive ministry of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, the content of each Church Anew blog represents the voice of the individual writer and does not necessarily reflect the position of Church Anew or St. Andrew Lutheran Church on any specific topic.