Blog Posts
Walter Brueggemann
The Hidden Cost of AI for Church Leaders: Or, AI Took My Job (Satisfaction)
Will AI take your job? It’s more likely to take your job satisfaction, especially if you are a church leader - lay or ordained, staff or non-staff.
Old Prayer, New Words
The “Our Father,”
The “Lord’s Prayer,”
“The words that Jesus taught us to pray.”
They have been prayed
And millions,
And millions of times.
Why Global Health Matters
As Christians, health around the world matters to us because it matters to God. […] God calls us to love our neighbors, serve the “least of these,” and address injustices.
Beyond the Tweet: Building Online Church Community Without Meta or X
In this post, we’re going to redefine online church community—beyond the tweet.
Practice for the Times We Really Need It
I love the liturgy.
I recent years and months,
I have forgotten just how much I love the liturgy.
The Global Impact of USAID Cuts: A Christian Perspective on Our Shared Humanity
Those pushing for these cuts often speak of Christian values while advocating for policies that would abandon the vulnerable. But true Christian values call us to a more expansive vision of community and care. As Luther reminded us, faith is active in love, and love knows no borders.
Want to Reach New People? Change How You Communicate!
What if your church was positioned to meet the deepest needs of your community? […] what if a small change in the way you communicate could help motivate more and more people to engage with your church?
The Church in 2025: A Community of Gracious Uncertainty
Moreso than any other community or institution, the church is uniquely situated to help communities navigate a year of uncertainty. And yet we must recognize that our culture is not one that is accustomed to uncertainty
Finding the Stillness of Advent in a Culture of Yuletide Intensity
Today I would argue that our current cultural understanding of Christmas isn't as a time of excess but as a time of fervor.
Sermon Writing with AI: When ChatGPT Meets the Lectionary’s so critical for church leaders and preachers to learn to work alongside AI with equal levels of interest and skepticism...
Sharing the Art
When we step into the pulpit, we hope that the people will hear what we want them to hear, that they might be changed like we have been changed.
God Healed Me: A Story to Encourage Weary Leaders
Prayer without belief/faith is no good. Why are we praying if we don’t believe?
Creativity as Faith Formation: The Importance of Telling Stories in a Digital Age
...creativity and faith formation are deeply interrelated, especially when we define creativity as a process of articulating experiences and telling stories
Making - and Being Made New
In a world that wants to criticize and categorize and commodify everything we do, time and space to create for its own sake is a sacred revolution.
I Am A Woman With A Reputation (Luke 7:36-58)
I am drawn to women’s stories –
in their own voices,
about their own lives,
telling their own experiences.
The Prairie Liturgies: Plenty of Room for New Liturgies
"It takes all of us to showcase the rhythms and pitches of our various spiritual geographies, so that we might overhear the Spirit singing through new songs and fresh visions."
What is Biblical Literacy, Anyway? Thoughts on Teaching the Scriptures in a Digital Age
To teach the Bible today is... to teach a different way of reading than what our culture is comfortable with.
Chat GPT as a Preaching Resource: Everything and Nothing All At Once
Ryan Panzer writes about the growing influence of artificial intelligence upon our society, wondering whether and how pastors should use this new technology in the service of God.
A Walk In Beauty
The Rev. Winnie Varghese delivers a sermon covering indigeneity, Elijah's sojourn in the wilderness, and how to connect with those who show us hospitality.
A Letter to my 26-Year-Old Self
Rev. Dr. Charlene Cox writes a letter to her younger self on the day of her ordination, reflecting upon the joys, hardships, and lessons of her proud service.