Blog Posts
Walter Brueggemann
God Speaks to Us Through Ancient Stories
God is speaking to you through whispers and wails, through the wind and the waves, through strangers and loved ones.
The Sacred Ordinary: Are Dandelions Here to Save the World?
Taylor Short writes on the possibilities that bloom from accepting dandelions as beloved parts of our divine world.
The Sacred Ordinary: These Days, Holy Remains
Mary Jo Robinson writes poetry that illuminates how the sacred may be found in ordinary nature.
The Sacred Ordinary: A Blog Series For Ordinary Times
This is the first blog in a series originating from a writing course led by Ellie Roscher, centering on the sacred ordinary. The authors read and wrote essays designed to make ordinary moments shine, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share these essays with the Church Anew audience.
Reflections on Holy Trinity
Rev. Dr. Char Cox fondly reflects on one of her favorite times of year in this poem.
Ascension Ponderings
Rev. Dr. Char Cox fondly reflects on her Sunday School exprience in this poem.
Nurturing Children in the Faith
Rev. Dr. Char Cox fondly reflects on her Sunday School experience in this poem.
Vocare: Called to Regret
You are invited to focus on your personal regrets by both naming and reframing them, and by so doing, nourish in a particular way, God’s call for both your present and your future.
Vocare: Called to Attentiveness
You are invited to focus on where you regularly invest your attention by considering what captures your time, energy, thoughts, and imagination in everyday life.