Walter Brueggemann Column
Church Anew is honored to host Walter Brueggemann as our featured columnist. We look forward to sharing Walter’s work with church leaders and faithful people worldwide. May his powerful and reflective writings inspire, energize, guide, and comfort you.

The Discomforting Gift of Newness (Evil Geniuses Series)
The prophetic point…is a call away from escapist nostalgia to a new community, to be given in God’s good governance that is marked by human life made possible, peaceable, and prosperous.

The Possibility of Good Government (Evil Geniuses Series)
Near the end of Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America: A Recent History (2020), Kurt Andersen lists eight claims in the playbook of a political party wanting to take over the government. Dr. Brueggemann will take one blog post over the next few weeks to respond to each claim.