Walter Brueggemann Column
Church Anew is honored to host Walter Brueggemann as our featured columnist. We look forward to sharing Walter’s work with church leaders and faithful people worldwide. May his powerful and reflective writings inspire, energize, guide, and comfort you.

Peddlers Who Prey on Our Prayers
Walter Brueggemann discusses the usage of the term “peddler” came to mind as he observed Donald Trump selling his “USA Bible” for $59.99.
“I have not seen his Bible, but it clearly intends to voice the gospel alongside Trump’s particular version of nationalism,” Brueggemann writes.

Growing in Grace
When Brueggemann reflected on moral seriousness, the first thing he thought of was “stages of growth” in the defining work of the great Swiss child psychologist, Jean Piaget. In a series of books in the mid-twentieth century, Piaget reported on his careful observation of children and concluded that children in their intellectual and moral development regularly advance through several different stages of learning.

Mapping as Power
The very ones whom the elite seek to exclude are the primary candidates to constitute the community of Jesus, for the “holy people” is formed “from below” among those who live a distance from the mirages of virtue and control.

We the People
The very ones whom the elite seek to exclude are the primary candidates to constitute the community of Jesus, for the “holy people” is formed “from below” among those who live a distance from the mirages of virtue and control.

It’s the Economy, Stupid
To many people the “economy” meant and means good paying jobs that produce greater purchasing power. But of course, in presidential elections, it is always “the economy.”

Jubilee Recovered
As an Old Testament teacher, Walter Brueggemann has often been asked a recurring set of questions about the Jubilee text. But no question has been asked more frequently than this: “There is no evidence that the Jubilee Year was ever really practiced, is there?”