Walter Brueggemann Column

Church Anew is honored to host Walter Brueggemann as our featured columnist. We look forward to sharing Walter’s work with church leaders and faithful people worldwide. May his powerful and reflective writings inspire, energize, guide, and comfort you.

Reflections of My Childhood
Brueggemann Column, Personal Reflections, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Personal Reflections, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Reflections of My Childhood

It occurs to me that this deep conviction of God’s providential care (that as instanced for me by my dad) is best sung, because it does not conform to our conventional adherence to patterns of “cause and effect.” That is, it dwells outside of our common rationality and invites us to think in alternative categories.

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A Preacher's Dilemma: Verse 12?
Brueggemann Column, Personal Reflections, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Personal Reflections, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann

A Preacher's Dilemma: Verse 12?

The first, very important task of exegesis was to determine the extent of the textual unit, where it began and where it ended. This is often clear and self-evident in scripture; but sometimes it is not. Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Jeremiah 18:1-12 offer somewhat contradictory, but equally valuable, interpretations of scripture that can be relevant to modernity and thus strategic to ministry.

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Miskotti on “Resistance”
Brueggemann Column, Personal Reflections, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Personal Reflections, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Miskotti on “Resistance”

Miskotti’s words are an invitation for us to think again and appropriate anew the reality that our engagement with the God of the gospel is indeed a conversation, an exchange that can and must be acted out in the public domain. It is this non-negotiable gift of such an exchange that is the most elemental practice of the church.

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Cascade! Divine?
Brueggemann Column, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Ministry Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Cascade! Divine?

The text of Job 1:13-19 is part of a “folk tale” in the Book of Job that frames the poetry that follows. The “folk tale” gives us a glimpse of the governing power of the creator God which is concealed from Job. God is unnamed in these verses though verse 16 allows a conventional phrase, “the fire of God.” It is often noted that in the prologue and the epilogue of the Book of Job, God is called by the Israelite name, YHWH. That naming of YHWH anchors the Book of Job in the Israelite tradition, even though in the poetry Job God is not so identified. In any case, behind the narrative is the governing force and will of the creator God who makes covenant with Israel.

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Humanity Erased?
Brueggemann Column, Ministry, Preaching Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Ministry, Preaching Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Humanity Erased?

We remain before the tricky question, “What is a woman or man”? What is humanity? The answer we give to that question is that we humans are “lord of all, servant of all.” I suspect that Kirsch and his company would and could to some great extent share that conviction. The hard part is living it out, and thereby creating futures that are beyond technological rationality. That hard work is the reason we gather regularly around the news of dying and being raised to new life.

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Trees: Signals of Hope and Defiance
Brueggemann Column, Ministry, Preaching Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Ministry, Preaching Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Trees: Signals of Hope and Defiance

The children’s book by Franck Prevot is entitled Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees (2015) has led me to think about trees and the role they play in the Bible for a viable creation (and a viable economy). That crucial role played by trees has been played since the appearance of trees on the third day of creation (Genesis 1:11-13). This is some of what I learned about trees in the Bible.

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