November 13: Day of Love

DAY OF LOVE is Friday November 13, 2020 

We have designed the Day of Love to bring awareness to World Kindness Day and the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE campaign. The purpose is to highlight good deeds in our homes, congregations, and our communities, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of love that binds us. November 13 will be a day devoted to the positive potential of both large and small acts of love.

Please join us by taking part in three acts of love.
     Check-in with someone you haven’t seen recently.
     Thank someone special in your life.
     Do something for children.

Won’t you join us?

To learn how you can take part, download our DAY OF LOVE Toolkit!

If you want to get started on an Act of Love of your own. Download our ACTS OF LOVE Guide designed to help children, youth and adults share love in their home, their community and throughout the world.

Shared with with permission by the Office of the Right Reverend Michael B. Curry, The Episcopal Church, in its entirety. The Most Rev. Michael Curry is the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church and the author of the book "Love Is the Way: Holding On to Hope in Troubling Times".

Bishop Michael Curry.jpg

Bishop Michael Curry

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry is Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church. He is the Chief Pastor and serves as President and Chief Executive Officer, and as Chair of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church.

Facebook | @PBMBCurry
Twitter | @BishopCurry
Twitter | @episcopalchurch
Facebook | @episcopalian

 Church Anew is dedicated to igniting faithful imagination and sustaining inspired innovation by offering transformative learning opportunities for church leaders and faithful people.

As an ecumenical and inclusive ministry of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, the content of each Church Anew blog represents the voice of the individual writer and does not necessarily reflect the position of Church Anew or St. Andrew Lutheran Church on any specific topic.

Bishop Michael Curry

The Most Rev. Michael Curry is Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church. He is the Chief Pastor and serves as President and Chief Executive Officer, and as Chair of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church. Throughout his ministry, Presiding Bishop Curry has been active in issues of social justice, reconciliation, speaking out on immigration policy and marriage equality.

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