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Walter Brueggemann

Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Personal Reflection Rev. Dr. Jared E. Alcantara Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Personal Reflection Rev. Dr. Jared E. Alcantara

Without our wound, where would our power be?

Jared E. Alcantara is Professor of Preaching at Truett Seminary at Baylor University. He was born and raised in New Jersey and came to faith in Christ at the age of 14. He is half Latino, Honduran, and half white and, in 2022, he mentione that, in an age marked by loss, there are plenty of reasons for us to lament, but there are not nearly enough lamenting groups to go around. Let's revisit his talk from Enfleshing Witness 2022.

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Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Personal Reflection Erin Weber-Johnson Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Personal Reflection Erin Weber-Johnson

In This Crucial Election Year What Will Your Community Do on Day One?

On Day One of the next administration (and in whatever follows), communities of faith must continue the work being God’s people. Regardless of whether you see the outcome you desire or not, the work will need to go on. You’ll either be working in alignment with those you trust, or you’ll be in the resistance against those you do not trust. Either way, there will be work to do.

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