Blog Posts
Walter Brueggemann
Reflections on Holy Trinity
Rev. Dr. Char Cox fondly reflects on one of her favorite times of year in this poem.
Ascension Ponderings
Rev. Dr. Char Cox fondly reflects on her Sunday School exprience in this poem.
Nurturing Children in the Faith
Rev. Dr. Char Cox fondly reflects on her Sunday School experience in this poem.
Multi-Vocational Ministry: Part 3 - Profiles in Multi-Vocational Ministry with Rev. Natalia Terfa
For the next few columns, I want to start sharing with you profiles of other folks who are engaged in Multi-vocational Ministry. Their examples will add depth and breadth to how we see multi-vocational ministry, and we can also see through their stories real-life examples of how people are living out these callings, as well as areas where they need more support and guidance.
Multi-Vocational Ministry: Part 2
Churches, leadership, and denominations should begin by seeing ministers as complete human beings with a variety of gifts to offer inside and outside the church, rather than sort of widgets to fill in to particular parish settings, while adding in a part-time job or “bivocational ministry” heading to pay the bills.
Multi-Vocational Ministry
Many people think I’m “not working” since I left my most recent parish call, and in my denomination, our practice of placing multi-vocational ministers “on leave from call,” reinforces this misunderstanding.
Vocare: Called to Regret
You are invited to focus on your personal regrets by both naming and reframing them, and by so doing, nourish in a particular way, God’s call for both your present and your future.
Vocare: Called to Attentiveness
You are invited to focus on where you regularly invest your attention by considering what captures your time, energy, thoughts, and imagination in everyday life.
Disembarking the Heroic Path
Instead of asking us to descend into the caverns of our innermost selves and excavate our authentic identities, [Ecclesiates] offers alternative questions that point us back to the perceptible world: “What is my responsibility to the world around me?” “What does my hand find to do?”