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Walter Brueggemann

Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Bishop Michael Curry Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Bishop Michael Curry

Bishop Michael Curry on his Faith and Health Journey

Prayer seeks the good and well-being of others. It is an act and expression of love as we lift someone or some circumstances before the God whom the Bible says is love. And that is not only a matter of expression. It leads to and undergirds outward action.

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Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Erin Weber-Johnson Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Erin Weber-Johnson

Upending the Parable of The Widow's Mite: Witnessing Systems of Harm

A close reading of Mark 12: 41-44, especially interpreted through the lens of the Law found in Deuteronomy (14:22-29), stirs up important questions about an often used stewardship approach that interprets this as an object lesson from Jesus regarding individual, sacrificial giving: a person of limited means asked to give generously beyond their livelihood. 

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The Meaning of Life: A Parable

Journeys are less often about the goal, and more frequently about the experiences it takes to complete them. Such are the spiritual journeys that we embark on, but they are more than they seem. They can reveal things we do not expect, and like a dream, hold a unique significance for each of us.

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Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort

"This Generation"

Trying to make sense of “this generation” can be fraught with misapprehension. Many things are different, yet many things remain the same. The Gospel of Matthew helps to reinvigorate our notions of modernity, and remind us of the place that children hold as descendants of faith and the new foundation for future discipleship.

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Personal Reflection, Ministry, Lectionary, Preaching Rev. Dr. Charlene Rachuy Cox Personal Reflection, Ministry, Lectionary, Preaching Rev. Dr. Charlene Rachuy Cox

Defining Roads

There are many roads in this life. Some are actual roads that take us from “point A to point B.” Others are metaphorical, roads that we travel in our hearts. Many of the roads we travel, we never think of again, but some roads are so defining that they become drawn across our story with indelible ink.

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