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Walter Brueggemann

Ministry, Commentary, Personal Reflection Ryan Panzer Ministry, Commentary, Personal Reflection Ryan Panzer

Cultivating Leaders for a Digital Age

Recently, AI tools have given us the capacity to work with greater efficiency, to communicate with increased ease, to create digital content, and to give our communities the tools to tell their faith stories.  But just as important as improving or increasing our adoption of technologies is the church’s call to cultivate leadership for an accelerating world.

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Ministry, Commentary, Personal Reflection Kris Bjorke Ministry, Commentary, Personal Reflection Kris Bjorke

Liminal Spaces

Theologians and practitioners have used the word “liminal space” or “liminal time” to describe these experiences. They are the point at which you become aware that a transition is about to occur. Liminal literally means, “threshold”. Think of walking through a doorway and going through/over a threshold. You are neither in one room nor the other; you are in-between. However you can see both, one behind and in front.

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Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Bishop Michael Curry Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Bishop Michael Curry

Bishop Michael Curry’s Christmas Message

The message of the angel is as scandalous and striking now as it was then. For in it is embedded God’s message in the death and resurrection of Jesus: to trust and believe in the invincibility of the good in spite of the titanic reality of evil, because God is good all the time.

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Planting Gardens of Belonging

The task at hand for young people of faith is to draw from our traditions to steward this change—this social transformation—towards the redemptive possibilities of loving exceedingly, seeking justice, practicing hospitality, and giving generously. In doing so, we might reimagine and create anew the means through which our communities join together across differences.

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Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Bishop Michael Curry Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Bishop Michael Curry

Bishop Michael Curry on his Faith and Health Journey

Prayer seeks the good and well-being of others. It is an act and expression of love as we lift someone or some circumstances before the God whom the Bible says is love. And that is not only a matter of expression. It leads to and undergirds outward action.

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Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Erin Weber-Johnson Ministry, Commentary, Lectionary, Preaching, Personal Reflection Erin Weber-Johnson

Upending the Parable of The Widow's Mite: Witnessing Systems of Harm

A close reading of Mark 12: 41-44, especially interpreted through the lens of the Law found in Deuteronomy (14:22-29), stirs up important questions about an often used stewardship approach that interprets this as an object lesson from Jesus regarding individual, sacrificial giving: a person of limited means asked to give generously beyond their livelihood. 

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