Blog Posts
Walter Brueggemann
Fundraising vs. Manipulation in 2025
As a lay theologian who works at the intersection of money, God, and institutions, I am often asked what is the difference between fundraising, as an element of stewardship, and manipulation.
Apocalypse Of The Body
Theologians have a word for this kind of revealing, when something stark and dire and even painful occurs and reveals a deeper truth, something hidden in plain sight; it is called apocalypse. The word apocalypse includes the meaning “unveiling” or “disclosing”.
Upending the Parable of The Widow's Mite: Witnessing Systems of Harm
A close reading of Mark 12: 41-44, especially interpreted through the lens of the Law found in Deuteronomy (14:22-29), stirs up important questions about an often used stewardship approach that interprets this as an object lesson from Jesus regarding individual, sacrificial giving: a person of limited means asked to give generously beyond their livelihood.
Upending the parable of talents: bodies over profits
The parable of the talents then would become a commentary at large about an economy that uses people and values things rather than values people and uses things.