Blog Posts
Walter Brueggemann
Beyond the Tweet: Building Online Church Community Without Meta or X
In this post, we’re going to redefine online church community—beyond the tweet.
The Church in 2025: A Community of Gracious Uncertainty
Moreso than any other community or institution, the church is uniquely situated to help communities navigate a year of uncertainty. And yet we must recognize that our culture is not one that is accustomed to uncertainty
Sermon Writing with AI: When ChatGPT Meets the Lectionary’s so critical for church leaders and preachers to learn to work alongside AI with equal levels of interest and skepticism...
Creativity as Faith Formation: The Importance of Telling Stories in a Digital Age
...creativity and faith formation are deeply interrelated, especially when we define creativity as a process of articulating experiences and telling stories
What is Biblical Literacy, Anyway? Thoughts on Teaching the Scriptures in a Digital Age
To teach the Bible today is... to teach a different way of reading than what our culture is comfortable with.
Chat GPT as a Preaching Resource: Everything and Nothing All At Once
Ryan Panzer writes about the growing influence of artificial intelligence upon our society, wondering whether and how pastors should use this new technology in the service of God.
Church Music with ChatGPT: Will AI Change Liturgical Music?
ChatGPT and other AI technologies have undergone an explosion in popularity over the past year. How can liturgical music benefit from this advancement- and more importantly, what should we watch out for?
When We Crowdsource the Church: The Challenge of Digital Recommendations
Whether through social media, or increasingly, through AI chatbots, we are crowdsourcing our church-going, leaving decisions about church attendance and membership to the wisdom of our connections (or the algorithms of ChatGPT).
Preaching the Word in a World of Memes
Digital technology has triggered three transformations in how we communicate, or use our words. Each of these transformations in our words has significance for those called to preach the Word.
Cultivating Leaders for a Digital Age
Recently, AI tools have given us the capacity to work with greater efficiency, to communicate with increased ease, to create digital content, and to give our communities the tools to tell their faith stories. But just as important as improving or increasing our adoption of technologies is the church’s call to cultivate leadership for an accelerating world.
The Case For Reducing (Temporarily) Church Technology Usage
In this trajectory, the church takes a temporary step back from its current tech usage, in order to reflect on the resources most aligned to a ministry’s purpose.
AI for Ministry: A Purposeful Vision for A New Technology
AI may be shaping the cultural and technological environment, but we also have an opportunity to shape norms around its usage and in the process to raise important ethical and theological questions about how one can and should use these powerful tools. AI represents a seismic change in both technology and culture.