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Walter Brueggemann

Personal Reflection, Ministry, Lectionary, Preaching Rev. Dr. Charlene Rachuy Cox Personal Reflection, Ministry, Lectionary, Preaching Rev. Dr. Charlene Rachuy Cox

Defining Roads

There are many roads in this life. Some are actual roads that take us from “point A to point B.” Others are metaphorical, roads that we travel in our hearts. Many of the roads we travel, we never think of again, but some roads are so defining that they become drawn across our story with indelible ink.

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Personal Reflection, Ministry Rev. Dr. Dorothy Wells Personal Reflection, Ministry Rev. Dr. Dorothy Wells

The misfortune (good fortune?) of a stress fracture

So, from the vantage point of the wheelchair, I learned a few lessons that I hope will be helpful to others. The lessons start with a full assessment of a church campus, and an open invitation to the congregation and persons who visit the campus regularly to offer ideas about how the campus can truly serve all of God’s people. 

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