Blog Posts
Walter Brueggemann
To the World We Dream About
Hope, in [Advent], is located in the sense of seeing with greater clarity God’s interaction with creation both now and in the days to come.
Sermon Writing with AI: When ChatGPT Meets the Lectionary’s so critical for church leaders and preachers to learn to work alongside AI with equal levels of interest and skepticism...
A Table and a Promise
I've become convinced that if Luke had chosen a picture of the gospel instead of 24 chapters of writing... [he] would have drawn for us a big table, wooden and worn and homey.
A Church Anew Book Series: Interview With David Mann, Author of “Becoming Better Men”
I found in [these letters] stories of men working hard to be countercultural to our training. We wished to leave behind the more arid and shallow masculinity of traditional male friendships.
Sharing the Art
When we step into the pulpit, we hope that the people will hear what we want them to hear, that they might be changed like we have been changed.
The $4000 Effect
Maybe it’s not the amount of money that matters for churches today, but their willingness to risk it to try something new.
God Healed Me: A Story to Encourage Weary Leaders
Prayer without belief/faith is no good. Why are we praying if we don’t believe?
Wait and See Days
What were they waiting to see? [...] Biblical mandates bring us to life, full life. In full life, we can’t not work for the collective good through the giving of tangible and intangible gifts.
Creativity as Faith Formation: The Importance of Telling Stories in a Digital Age
...creativity and faith formation are deeply interrelated, especially when we define creativity as a process of articulating experiences and telling stories
A Church Anew Book Series: Interview With Grace Pomroy, Author of "Funding Forward"
In the midst of declines in attendance and donations, many congregations find themselves at a crossroad: How do they live out God's mission in this time and place when they seem to have less and less assets to do so?
Chopsticks and Leviticus
Righteousness, holiness or right living in Leviticus 19 was determined by the sharing of resources as a community, or collective identity.
Making - and Being Made New
In a world that wants to criticize and categorize and commodify everything we do, time and space to create for its own sake is a sacred revolution.
I Am A Woman With A Reputation (Luke 7:36-58)
I am drawn to women’s stories –
in their own voices,
about their own lives,
telling their own experiences.
The Prairie Liturgies: Plenty of Room for New Liturgies
"It takes all of us to showcase the rhythms and pitches of our various spiritual geographies, so that we might overhear the Spirit singing through new songs and fresh visions."
What is Biblical Literacy, Anyway? Thoughts on Teaching the Scriptures in a Digital Age
To teach the Bible today is... to teach a different way of reading than what our culture is comfortable with.
A Church Anew Book Series: Q&A with Rick Rouse, author of “A Journey Called Hope”
I wrote this book because I wanted to change the narrative [on immigration] and help people be more informed about this complex issue.
My Aunt’s Blessing
Who has spoken words over your body?
What words were used to bless?
What words were used to hurt?
The Sacred Ordinary: The Patterns Are Not Mine
But, when finally, I learn the ring-ness of human things, how rhythms pulled away aren’t left behind at all. I know I walk in shoes that are not mine.
Looking For Home
"God’s abiding among us happens precisely amid, alongside, within the complexities of our experiences with home and with belonging."
The Sacred Ordinary: The Path of Love (Women Who Cry in Aldi)
It is on the scaled-down switch backs of mid-mountain trails that we find the most opportunity to live with embodied empathy. In the day-to-day of human living, we are to let our love to genuine