Walter Brueggemann Column

Church Anew is honored to host Walter Brueggemann as our featured columnist. We look forward to sharing Walter’s work with church leaders and faithful people worldwide. May his powerful and reflective writings inspire, energize, guide, and comfort you.

Singing the Counter-Culture
Brueggemann Column, Ministry, Preaching Dr. Walter Brueggemann Brueggemann Column, Ministry, Preaching Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Singing the Counter-Culture

We know and trust that the force of this other world does not evaporate when we close our hymnals. It persists. Our signing into that other world may also persist. We return to our more mundane worlds close at hand. But the singing persists and so that world persists among us, deabsolutizing the world in front of us, permitting us to host that other world and sign on for “a more excellent way” marked by faith, hope, and love.

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